Epaper display from Good Display: 2.7"
Refresh time:Active size:
Shades of gray:
Cale-idf classname:
2500 Millis57.2*38.2
Also sold by Waveshare in a model that has 4 front buttons like in this picture. This epaper comes also with touch from Good display. Please check our gdew027w3T class in our project Cale-idf.More facts and different models
- Use class gdew027w3 also for Lilygo T5 2.7 inches epaper board
- Housing 3D model for the Lilygo T5 2.7"
Purchase link
Please check our Arduino esp32 C++ Firmware for Epaper to use the image provided with CALE in your ESP32 SPI display. If you want to build a custom Firmware using Espressif IDF own framework we highly recommend to check our project Cale-Idf.