Epaper display von Good Display: 1.54


Refresh Zeit:
Aktiv size:
Cale-idf classname:


1000 Millisekunden
37.3 x 31.8 x 0.98 mm


This small epapers are great to make a watch or mini-gadget. Supported in our ESP-IDF component Cale-idf:
  • gdep015OC1.h both Waveshare and Heltec have similar 1.54" models.
  • gdeh0154d67.h use this class for Waveshare 1.54 V2 model since it has a different epaper controller.
HELTEC automation model is a bit smaller with same resolution. Controller: IL0373, the PCB is a bit smaller than the version from Waveshare.
Older models may have 152x152 resolution. For those interested in building an epaper wristwatch here is our Epaper deepsleep project in Hackaday website.

Parts list

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Wir empfehlen unsere projekt Cale-Idf für custom epaper Firmware zu bauen.